Satellite navigation is the standard in deep-sea navigation, with three independent systems now in place. However, this does not mean that astronavigation no longer plays a role. It still has an important function today as a fall-back method in an emergency if satellite signals can no longer be received for any reason. It also offers amateur navigators the opportunity to sail in the old tradition.
However, a distinction should be made and the question asked as to what is needed in a navigational emergency, which a cruising sailor is unlikely to experience on all his voyages. Do they need to take the recommendations given seriously, have the latest nautical documentation on board and always be fit to be able to use a sextant to determine their position using the complex intercept method?
Certainly not. Navigating with the sun, moon, stars and planets is reserved for amateur navigators. In an emergency, it is enough to be able to find your way using the sun alone. Many merchant captains in earlier times navigated successfully using only the sun. A navigation system is presented here that is highly accurate and can be used by anyone. Nautical documents are not needed. No calculations or drawings are required and no training course is necessary.
Even if someone just wants to navigate with a sextant, they will discover a useful navigation star in the sun and what’s more, if a yacht skipper takes out a sextant to determine his position, this not only demonstrates nautical skill but also responsibility in ship management. It is also a small contribution to maintaining and preserving centuries-old seafaring traditions.